Yosami Radio Transmission Station visit

On 6 October 2017 Prof. Nishihara joined a visit to Yosami Radio Transmission Station Memorium Museum in Kariya city, which was organized by IEEE LMAG-Tokyo. The transmitter is actually a big generator rotated by a DC motor at 1360 rpm. The DC was generated by a DC generator rotated by an induction motor driven by the commercial power supply. Generated 5.814 kHz was tripled to 17.442 kHz and fed to the gigantic antenna system of eight 250m-high steel towers. Now only one tower shortened to 25m remains. The station was established in 1929 and used for communication with Europe and submarines.

Yosami Radio Transmission Station Memorial Musium

at the entrance of the Yosami Radio Transmission Station Memorial Musium

Inside of Yosami Radio Transmission Station Memorial Museum

Inside of Yosami Radio Transmission Station Memorial Museum

Yosami Tower

Yosami Tower

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